Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Weekend Update!

Since I haven't blogged since Friday night (crazy, right?), here's what's been going on.

Saturday: Our beautiful Deltas got initiated!!!

Aren't they SO precious?! Ahh!

My Little and I! She made me the cutest pillow! I LOVE IT!

Look how BIG we are!!! Eeep! I love how our sisterhood is growing!

Follow that up with a sleepover including fishbowl, psychiatrist, AND the question/answer game, and you have one crazy hysterical night :) Sleep deprived? Yes. But still oh so very wonderful :) I love having so many sisters!

Sunday: Brunch with Kirsten, Brittany, and Rachel was very fun; we strolled down memory lane :) I did some filming with my small group for our "Fun Night" video. It was pretty funny :) After that was shopping for my small group secret santa, followed by our SAO family dinner/first meeting with the Deltas/last meeting of the semester! You know what that meant? Craziness. We pulled out the chakras, which they were so confused/uncomfortable about... HAHA! (You kind of have to be there.) Our meeting lasted about 2 hours because we had so much to explain, and we had to sign up for committees. Y'all, I'm the new Bible Study Committee head for next semester.... I'm a little scared, but at the same time I felt compelled to sign-up for that committee as a means to challenge myself. Feeling "compelled" (if Focus taught me anything, it was this) is a way that God works in us. Obviously, God has a plan for me through this position, so I will need to place my trust in His faithfulness.

Monday (today): Hello stress. I was still a little overwhelmed with the responsibilities I'll be having as Bible Study head next semester this morning (but no worries, I'm better now). I've been trying to study for my oceanography exam that I have tomorrow. (I bet you can guess how that's going... Or rather, NOT going.) Plus, I met up with my intro to social work group to finish up our project that we're presenting tomorrow.... Yeah, that took 2 hours. It shouldn't have, but it did. That whole meeting/leading up to it made me anxious in and of itself. And now, it is almost 4 AM and I have to be up in approximately 5 hours... Dearie me, I'm having some serious prayer time before my zzzz's. Goodnight loves! I hope you are sleeping well :)


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