Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Dang, have you ever eaten alone?"

My response: "Yes, I have! But it's not nearly as enjoyable!" And that, dear friends, is the truth! Haha.

I started today off early at Starbucks with a beautiful girl who may just be the most optimistic and  encouraging young ladies I have yet to encounter. My dear love, Elizabeth :) She is beyond sweet, and I am so happy that I finally got to spend time with her one-on-one. Yes, it was certainly an early morning for both of us, but it was so worth it :) I do love her, so very much! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that she's no longer one of my "middle school girls." Awww! Why do they grow up so fast?!?! (Sorry for the potentially awkward mom/big sister moment that just happened there, haha.)

Then, for lunch, I met up with my dear love, Chelsea! We met up at our old go-to spot, Chick-fil-a :) I am so happy that, even after an extended period of not seeing really seeing or communication with one another, we can still get together and spend quality time talking/catching up/laughing/hanging out. Though there are things that have changed over time, so many lovely things have remained consistent. And for that I am so grateful :) I am really happy to still have Befri in my life :) Only Chelsea really understands what that means, but that's okay :)

I was so happy to have just a marvelous first half of my day! Unfortunately, my bad day struck immediately after I got home. It's okay, though! Because I had no other plans for the day and was able to lounge on my sofa for hours in sweatpants and my snuggie :) Although I was never able to fall asleep, I did get some nice down time. And my dear little sister even picked me up some things I needed from the store since I was clearly on couch potato status. I'm blessed to have a sister like Jennifer looking out for me<3

I felt well enough to partake in dinner at padre's which was delicious. I only wished I had more of an appetitive. After we ate, we lounged around and enjoyed the fine television entertainment that can only be provided by the Disney channel :) All the while dad and I enjoyed variations of apple pie and hot tea. Now that's good stuff right there! A little later, I went to my friend Kaci's to spend a little time with some of my small group girls from school. I wasn't there long, but the laughs, sarcasm, and witty banter that we got to enjoy made the trip worthwhile :) That is all for today. Goodnight, loves!


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