Wednesday, April 25, 2012

To say I felt unstable would be an understatement.

In short, today was pretty terrible. Emotionally drained, sleep deprived, and stresses... Stressed to the point where I constantly felt like I was shaking and the anxiety never settled. I mean, I only cried like two or three times, but my goal was not to do so at all    especially not in public...

On the plus side, I am DONE with abnormal psyc forever! I enjoyed the class, but I'm glad to have one less class to worry about. Tomorrow will require extra prayers though, because I have both of my dance finals. I am scared about improv right now... Procrastination may not have been the best favor I could have done myself.

Hopefully, tonight's sleep will be nice and restful. And maybe tomorrow will bring more peace. Here's to hoping, dear loves.

And for any JMU folk, this might just make your day.

Goodnight loves!


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