Thursday, April 5, 2012

{Joshua 1:8}

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

We talked about this verse at small group tonight, and it's a part of ourInterVarsity chapter's initiative call "Draw Near"    a series of daily quiet times/devotionals that we call all go through as a chapter. This verse really struck home for me, because I have fallen away from that constant meditation. And while I have been intentionally reading my Bible on a regular basis I haven't been giving it the time and attention it deserves. Thus, it doesn't truly resonate in my brain the way it did at the beginning of the semester after my FranChan conviction. Months ago, I had my mind and heart truly centered on God and His Word, and I know this because it was in the forefront of my thought and literally impacted the way I conducted myself throughout the day. Presently, though, I have not made God my core focus. And although I still possess my moral compass, it isn't necessarily grounded in scripture, if that makes sense. I don't desire to merely live a "good" life as a "good" person; I want to strive to live as Christ did    be a righteous and faithful daughter of His. How am I to follow the lifestyle set forth by Jesus if the foundation of my thoughts, feelings, actions, etc. is not His Word? The answer is simple. I can't. Not truly.

With all of that in mind, I am prepared to create a change within myself and the way I spend my time in the Bible. It deserves much more attention than I have been giving it, so here's to taking initiative! Upon the completion of this post, I shall be continuing my reading of Luke. (Currently, I am on chapter 9.)

First, some updates:

  • I don't think I ever mentioned this, but my voice is back! YAY!
  • Improv with props was much better today. My object of choice? A roll of duct-tape; nbd.
  • Next semester, I will not only be starting my position as Vice President of SAO, but I will also be head of the Public Relations Committee. Okay, I will take a moment and be honest about the fact that I kind of cried when I saw that. (Note: It was out of anxiety.) I have come to terms with the responsibility and am mentally preparing myself for all that lies ahead (namely, being in charge of the whole recruitment process), but this will certainly be no small feat. Seriously, I think God gets chuckles out of working through exec to put me on the committees that I'm most afraid of at the time. Last semester I was terrified of actually getting put on Bible Study committee and having to spiritually lead my sisters in that capacity, and then zingggg    HEAD of Bible Study Committee. Then, I was just saying last night how I did NOT sign up to head PR next semester because of the insanity that is recruitment, and WOOP there it is! But you know, everything worked out really well this semester with B-stud, so I have a feeling that everything will be alright with PR too. If nothing else, I have God on my side, right? Right.
  • Mina, Sarah, and Tori from my small group were all chosen to be IV freshman small group leaders next year!!! Eeeeep! I am such a proud mom :) They are going to do an amazing job, and I know that the Lord is going to work through them in incredible ways!

Goodnight my loves! Sleep well :)


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