Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Feeling content at the end of the day :)

Sure, nothing extremely exciting or extra-ordinary happened, but it was a good day nonetheless!

My SOWK exam wasn't as bad as it could have been; now I just have to wait to see the grade!

The Clothesline Project was extremely impactive. Even after going last year as well, the experience doesn't dull in the slightest. The courage and strength of these survivors truly is incredible.

College has instilled me with this sort of "no shame" attitude that allows me to sleep in public. Yes, I napped right in the middle of TDU for every single one of those tour groups to see. More than likely, I was that kid they call out and say, "As you can see, a lot of students like to nap in here." They say it; I don't make this stuff up. Whateva, COME TO JMU! Haha.

I ran into my darling Courtney two times today! The second time was on my way to psyc, and she really is a beam of sunshine :) I love her mucho.

I know it's an intense subject, but we talked about Columbine in psyc today. This particular tragedy is seriously one of the most intriguing topics I've discussed in college    not because of the lives lost (that is just overwhelmingly terrible), but it's the crazed psychological state of those boys. It truly is insanity, and you could have heard a pin drop in the room the whole time my professor was talking. Seeing all of these different aspects is mind-blowing to say the least!

Right from class, it was off to Greek Sing! Those sororities and fraternities are SO full of energy! Haha. And the whole time I was there I felt like I was back at a cheering/dance competition. People were chanting left and right, signs and letters were being held up all over the place, and it was just plain rowdy! And I really was surprised at how much dancing talent there was! Overall, everyone truly did a great job! Brandi and I were joking around about what we were going to do for Greek Sing next year... Haha. Yeah, that is NOT happening. Maybe when our numbers get bigger :)

I realize that not everything on this post could be categorized as "cheery," and you may be wondering how on earth this constitutes as a "good day." Truly, I am just going to bed a happy girl, and to me that says something! Today has been filled with beautiful friends, smiling faces, and life. There is much to live for, and much to be thankful for! Yes?

Goodnight loves!


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