Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's 4 o'clock in the mornin'....

And, well, it's not that the conversation got boring, but Steph realized it was 3 AM and we decided it would be best to bring me back to my dorm. Haha. (I'll get back to that in later, though.)

Alright, so HOORAY for Friday! That means no classes for me, and sleeping until 11:15! Holla! And by the time I got myself ready and presentable, it was time for lunch. To my luck, I ran into Lauren and Ginger (who were waiting for Mina to arrive), and the four of us got lunch together! Those girls are too funny; love them :) Fast forward past my trip to the bank and a rather productive PR meeting for my sorority, and that brings us to my dinner date with Steph! First, let me preface this with saying that we had not seen each other in two weeks... TOO LONG! I was so happy to see her face and giver her a hug, you just have no idea. Over our dinner, we got to talk all about our spring breaks (including her stories from California!) and the life-happenings that we each needed catching-up on. Two hours and fourty-five minutes later, I came to the conclusion that I was not going to large group. So, naturally the two of us ended up at the mall browsing at hats, shoes, and fancy dresses :) Neither of us bought anything, but it was fun just the same! Upon returning to her apartment, we talked while Steph put dishes away, and we eventually ended up at the computer    facebook stalking each other, checking out a youtube video or two, and even going through a bunch of Stephanie's old pictures that she had saved :) An adorable little child, she was! Oh, she also diagnosed me as be anemic.... I mean it's fine. I told her I'm not going to the doctor until I pass out or something, cause otherwise I'm doing alright! Haha. But yes, we sat there talking on her sofa until 3 AM. Twas a glorious 10 hour-long date! I mean, I can never have too much Steph squared time, ever :)

So now I'm sitting here, showered and ready for bed. But I have this question gnawing at me: Is it better to bring up a question to someone now because it's lingering in your mind? Or is it better to wait and find out on your own since you're going to find out eventually anyway? Same conclusion, different methods of getting there... Decisions, decisions; I'm awesome at those. (Right...) Blah! You know what, I'm just going to pray about it. I mean, who has better insight than God, right? My guess is no one, and when I say guess I mean that I know it's true. That being said, goodnight all! (Or rather, good morning! Shooooot it's 4:45 now!) Time for Bible and prayer! BYE :)


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