Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hazelnut soy chai and elephant love medleys.

Hello all, and happy belated Monday!

I woke up with no plans until the evening, but that changed not long after waking with a text from my little love, Juliana. Since our county got a snow day, the two of us were able to have a Stizz date, which we followed up with a 2-hour long game of Monopoly (The Dog edition)!

Y'all, she owned me in this game. My white flag of surrender only sped up the inevitable defeat. Rough story... Haha. Then, after taking Jules home and running by the store, it was time for dinner with my padre! I read while he prepped, and I filled out a job application after the eating was done. The job application was my assignment for today, so YAY for productivity and sticking to self-made commitments! After a bit more reading, I was off to Heather's for a movie night at her casa :) I had the pleasure of sitting down at the dinner table with her, as well as Mama and Papa Tobz while I was there, and I love that :) I've said it before, but they're essentially my adoptive family, and I love them oodles! After dinner and tea time, I introduced Heather to Moulin Rouge. She said she liked it, so hopefully she really did and wasn't just saying that because it happens to be one of my favorites, haha. I'm glad I got to hang out with her this evening though; it made me happy :)

On my way home, I made a 1 AM Walmart trip for... wait for it... rabbit food. Yes, I know it's random, but I have a picky rabbit who won't eat plain pellets and was out of his fiesta blend. I am also aware that that statement sounds ridiculous, Heather has already pointed that out to me. Haha. At any rate, I came back to the house, showered, and I just did a very large portion of a little project I will be completing tomorrow morning. I'll post pictures tomorrow maybe :) As for now, I'm going to read a little bit and hit the hay! Goodnight friends!


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