Saturday, March 3, 2012

Barbie nails!

Yep, this is what I did once I got home from school! Haha. I painted my nails while I watched Casper :) You know, I've been told several times over the years that I look like Christina Ricci.

I'm not sure if I see it or not, but I do think I look more like her than most other celebrities I've seen; so that's saying something I suppose!

Also, since being home, I've watched The Luck of the Irish (Disney Channel throwback!), Legally Blonde, and a few episodes of House. I know it sounds like I've been vegging, but I've also been somewhat productive! I have put a very significant dent in my exec application for my sorority, ran a much-needed errand, and read 33 pages of The Hunger Games :) Holla! Who says you can't be productive on break?!

Another exciting note: I met with my advisor this morning, and she was so encouraging! I've never personally met her before today, but I really like her. And (this was a huge deal for me) she said my resumé looked awesome! Eeep! Y'all, I haven't written a resumé since I took keyboarding the 10th grade, and that wasn't even legit. So for me to draft one based solely on a handout and only be told to take one thing off of it... SUCCESS! Now I just have to write my personal statement and get her to proofread it. Bah! It's okay, I can do this :)

At any rate, I am very excited that break is here. I want to spend lots of quality time with my friends and youth loves :) Huzzah! Goodnight all :)


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