Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today's stage of illness: congestion headache!

Yayyyyyy!..... Except not really. Haha. It only really bothered me when I tried to lay down for a nap (pressure!) and when I encountered loud noises. An example of both of these occurred when I tried to take a nap in TDU, and then someone put money in the jukebox so that Michael Jackson music blared through the room. That happened twice in a 20 minute time span, not even joking. But it's really okay, it only irked me because of the headache. Ibuprofen helped me out a bit :)

Work went by pretty quickly, and that was a major praise! We got pretty busy because 1) quite a few cashiers called in sick, and 2) there were people on the commons with a billboard-sized display of aborted baby pictures (hence people came to Market One to avoid them). Yeah, the pro-life display led quite a few people to borderline vomit-enducing discomfort. I for one did not want to get roped into a conversation with the people there, so I steered clear from there as much as I could.

I watched the rest of Bowling for Columbine today (for my intro to social work class), and it reaffirmed my utter hatred of guns. I personally would love to see every gun around the world heaped into a pile and be burned until only dust was left. People argue that "people kill other people, not guns," but if they did not have a gun, don't you think the murder/crime would be less probable? The documentary covers the Columbine shootings, and gun crimes in general (especially interesting were the stats of the U.S. compared to other nations!). This story particularly struck me, because I had not previously heard about it. When kids as young as six become involved firearm usage, you know there's a problem. I have so much I could say on this topic, but I'll leave it at that for now. (Sorry for the tangent!)

I saw my Little multiple times today! That made me very happy :) I saw her first in Market One; she came to say hello to me while I was working :) I later saw her at the end of our SAO Bible study, where she spotted us over the APL balcony and said hello to all of us! Then, after I went and got Starbucks, I went back to APL to study with her until we were kicked out and forced to go to Carrier. She thinks that place is "crusty," but I still love it :) I also bought her some Stizz after a brief bickerment. At least I have a valid argument when she objects! Haha. I simply said "I'm your Big! I'm allowed to buy you things!" Zingggg! Haha :) But yes, I am very glad I got to spend time with her today. Oh! And she switched her major to Social Work this morning! YAY! That also made me happy :D

On a random parting note, I think my little sister is wearing the sequined pants to school tomorrow! She better. And I better get a picture darn it! Hahaha! (It's for decades day, not average day attire :P ) Goodnight all!


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