Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve/Day 2011

Well, as you all know, today was the annual "day of giving thanks!" I for one consider my holiday celebration last night, which I enjoyed with the lovely Tobey family, whom I love sincerely with all of my heart! After a lovely meal prepared by Heather, we drank tea and sat in the living room (with fireplace in full force!) while we watched a movie :) Granted, the quality of Super 8 was questionable, but I enjoyed the movie time nonetheless :) Follow that up with a little bit of Annemarie's Amish bread and some convo time in Heather's room, and that was my night in a nutshell :) Now some of you may wonder how that fits into my "Thanksgiving." Well, words cannot begin to express how thankful I am for both Heather and her family. They show me more love and support than my own family does sometimes, and they truly do make me feel like an "honorary daughter" as Papa Tobz sometimes calls me :) As for Heather, I could go on for quite some time. Not once has she failed to help me out in times of struggle, and I know that I can trust her with anything and everything :) She has been such a blessing in my life, and I love her whole-heartedly and unconditionally!

This morning, I attended the Thanksgiving service with the Tobeys :) As it has before, it reminded me that there are blessings to be grateful for regardless of how grim the scenario may seem. Perhaps I do have family tension, and maybe they don't exactly understand me all that well. But you know, I'm thankful that I have a family to sit around the dinner table with on holidays like this (even if it is at two separate houses). Yes, my financial situation is unfortunate, but I am thankful to have a job at school and parents and friends who are more than willing to help me out when I need it. As for my friends, they are my constant in regards to giving thanks.

Every night, before I lay down to sleep, I thank God for blessing me with the most incredible friends in the entire world! They have contributed more to my spiritual, emotional, and personal growth than anyone may every truly realize. If I ever need anything, I know from experience that they would go to any length to give me their help and support. They always keep me grounded in the Lord, and lift me up in my lowest times. They are the greatest testament to what it means to love and serve God, and they have been with me in every step of my Christian walk. Friends, I love you-- more than you may ever realize. My thankfulness for you goes beyond words, and it goes far beyond a single day of recognition. Though I may never be able to adequately express my gratitude, please just know that I care about you more than anything in this world :)

Wondering what I spent my day doing post-church? Run-down time!

  • Meal time at my mom's.
  • Mealtime at my dad's.
  • Football viewing with dad, Jenn, Candice, and David.
  • The legals drank beer, the family can be exhausting...
  • Hang out with Kelly for a short while.
  • Currently watching Elf :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope yours was simply wonderful!


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