Saturday, November 12, 2011

Things I learned on 11/11/11:

  1. Waking up early is hard for me. Not only am I tired, but it literally takes like 10 minutes for my eyes to de-blurr. It's rough. Haha.
  2. You should not wear sandals when it's cold outside (especially under windy conditions), regardless of how well they match your ensemble.
  3. I should feel more confident in my short-term recognition memory. I spent so long stressing out over my anthropology exam, and I actually think it went really well!
  4. TDU has become a kind of go-to spot for me when I have nothing to do. After lunch with Courtney, and hanging out with Jenn and Steph, I took an hour and a half long nap in there. It was glorious. Nevermind the guys playing the piano or the countless tour groups that came through there, I was out. Naps really are a beautiful thing.
  5. I GOT INTO PSYC 250! What did I learn from this? That even if you get rejected once (which I did last semester), there is hope for things to work out in the future! Also, the psyc department does show grace to students of other majors! Praise :)
  6. The salad place at Festival is pretty legit. I may have to hit that up more often. (But you know, I really wish we had a salad place [other than Green's] on campus that had craisins! Is it so much to ask??? Haha.)
  7. Stephanie has a lot of patience. She drove me to 5 different places to shop for a dress for tomorrow's semiformal! I love you, Steph! Thank you :)
  8. I will undoubtedly be cold a good portion of the fall/winter next year. The Fishbowl is a chilly house, so I need to stock up on the sweats and blankets! Noted.
  9. Brianna is probably the only person I can honestly express my hatred for shopping for things like jeans and dresses. She understands where I'm coming from, and it was actually comforting to hear that I wasn't floating alone in my canoe. I love my roomz :)
  10. These darn photo lines in my room are never going to simply stay on the wall... It may be time to come up with an alternating hanging method. Womp.
  11. This is kind of backtracking, but I am going to have 2.5 hours of dance every Monday and Wednesday next semester! Eeeeep! I am so excited :) I mean yes, I'm a little nervous about the fact that I haven't taken a class in over a year, but my friend Katie gave me some words of encouragement. I'm taking modern and improv :) Stoked!

I think that's good for today. Haha. Goodnight loves!

P.S.- It was not intentional that I have 11 points; that was just a coincidence. No but seriously.


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