Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post #500!

Woah baby! Haha. Anyways...

I was pondering on my way back to my dorm, and the one thing I never want to be considered is selfish. I was listening to "For The Widows In Paradise; For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti" by Sufjan Stevens, and my mind resonated on the line "I'll do anything for you." I don't know if I would call that my life-motto per se, but it describes how I try to live my life. I like to do things for others, whether they ask it of me or not. In most scenarios, I have no problem sacrificing something of myself if I can help or do something nice for someone else. I hope that fact about me never changes, and I hope that my actions are always out of a love for others and never out of some form of self-satisfaction. I want a heart like Jesus. He gave everything out of His love for everyone. There was no self-gain in His crucifixion, no selfish ambition. No, He sacrificed for the sake of you and I. He gave us something we could have never received otherwise; redemption. What a beautiful thing, our Savior :)

On a totally separate note, today was pretty good. I had lunch on the quad with Jenn after my classes, and I was able to take a two-hour nap of glory. Small group was awesome. Some awesome testimonies were shared, and we talked about how we can be praying for one another over the summer. Oh yeah, tonight was out last small group of the year.... Crazy! I will definitely miss those girls, especially the ones who are transferring, but I pray that our relationships will be maintained. The rest of my night was spent in Carrier with Jenn, Hannah, and Steph. I was pretty productive, all things considered. At any rate, I walked with Hannah to her dorm before retiring to Eagle for the night. And now that I have gotten my blog fix, I am ready to shower and sleep.

Goodnight loves!


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