Friday, September 23, 2011


There is so much going on right now. And even though they're all good things, they're all going on at once and it makes it difficult for me to not get stressed out. I won't even go into details about assignments that are due, tests that are piling up next week, and extra curricular events that are going on, but everything decided to hangout in the same two-week time span. Well isn't that dandy? I really do not intend to whine or complain, because I really am doing alright. I just wish things were a little more spaced out. But you know, God will get me through it. I have faith.

Today was pretty good, though long. Lunch with Steph was wonderful, and I'm glad we were able to get together :) My social welfare class was good today, but deep. We starting talking about the death penalty and our views on it. A couple of us shared how we viewed it based on personal experiences of losing loved ones to murder crimes, so it had me thinking about my brother. I got a little emotional, but nothing too crazy. I kept it under control. A guy in my class posed a question about prostitution, and I got to put my passion for the issue of sex trafficking to good academic use! I'm glad I got to provide some good quality information to that conversation, because there are so many things that people just aren't aware of that goes on in our country. It's easy to say "Oh, that happens in those countries," but it is often overlooked that it's happening here on our own soil as well. But yes, that was good stuff. I got to skype Heather today, which made me so very happy! Any time I can talk to my best friend is just phenomenal! She makes me happy :) (Oh, Heather! Don't forget to send me an update on Tom tomorrow, please!) Yeahhhh :) After our skype sesh, I grabbed some dinner and was off to SAO interviews. They went pretty well, despite the length. So that was good! A bunch of us followed that up with Sweet Bee, and it was delicious. And now, I am going to read over my interview notes, pray, and sleep. I am developing a headache, and I think sleep may very well just cure it! Haha. Goodnight my loves! Sweet dreams :)


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