Friday, September 16, 2011

It's only a day away!

(Technically it's today... but just roll with me here.)

Today was pretty darn good! My social work classes were good, nothing too crazy. I had lunch with Bonnie Jean, and that was nice. I don't think we had ever hung out one-on-one, so it was nice to just talk to her and see how life was going. I got to see three of my sisters (Jenna, Steph, and Court) on the quad for a bit in between classes. I also saw Kristina and Erin! Sweet Erin, she was having a very stressful day, and that made me sad because she is the biggest sweetheart ever! But I tried to encourage her by saying basically what I titled this post as. Tomorrow is only a day away! (She's going home this weekend, and she is very much looking forward to it.) I am also looking forward to this weekend! But I'll come back to that. I had a coffee date with Courtney, which ended up turning into an adventure. Instead of walking back to her house, we decided to take the bus. Well, we missed our stop, got off at the next one, and consequently had to backtrack. Moral of the story: we should have just walked from campus. It's okay though, it was pretty funny :) After packing/moving my car, the two of us further extended our rendez-vous by getting dinner together, which we enjoyed from the comfort of her car :) I do love Courtney; she makes me very happy :) My Justice Team meeting went pretty smoothly, minus the fact that I failed to read the email from last week all the way through, and had failed to email my sisters.... Dang it. They understood, though. And the contacting is being taken care of! And other than that, tonight consisted of procrastinating and anthro reading that I did not start until after 11. Oh well!

So, about this weekend... IT'S SEEK & ECHO FALL RETREAT: ABANDON!!! Holla! I am so excited! Not only do I get to be a boxcar leader, but I get to be a bus captain with Kathryn! I don't know if I was supposed to disclose that information, but I think the only person going who actually reads my blog is Kaitlyn... (Hey Kaitlyn! Haha. Let's keep this on the down low :) Thank you, darling!) But yes, I am so incredibly stoked to have been blessed with this opportunity! I cannot wait to see how God works in everyone's hearts this weekend, and I cannot wait to be reunited with all of my beloved youth! This is going to be so great! Eeeeeeep! Goodnight all :)


kathryn said...


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