Thursday, February 2, 2012

Post No. 777!

Woah baby! That's a lovely number, that is :)

This morning's dance classes were so good! Yes, during modern I felt so physically drained that I was practically panting and at one point was down on all fours from exhaustion... But it felt so good! That is when I know I'm being challenged and I really feel like a dancer again. And I think the reason behind that is, by being presented with a challenge, I have been considered worthy of being challenged. Does that make sense? Even though I felt like there was NO way that I could get that combination (which I was NOT able to do this class, haha!), my professor told us to do it anyways, even when we were the least prepared to do so. She has hope in us, and she must think that we are some degree of capable! Even in my improv class (which is taught by the same professor), she was pushing us to completely break down the barriers of societal norms and actually make contact with someone! We started with just eye contact, but we moved into physical connection as well. I loved all of it! I was partnered with this guy in my class at one point, and not only were we totally zoned in on each others' eyes, but I haven't been that close to a person of the male gender's face in..... I don't even know! Haha. But it wasn't awkward, it was awesome! There was connection there! (And no, I don't mean in a chemistry/romantic kind of way!) Also, we had a point where our whole class was literally in one giant mass    all connected and moving together with lots of contact! I wish I could have taken a step back and observed it for a bit! From what I could observe while participating, it seemed beautiful! But yes, I left my dance classes feeling amazing today! It was so wonderful :)

Continuing on with the loveliness, it was in the 60s today! SO marvelous!

I got to spend a little bit of quality time with some of my SAO sisters today in TDU :) I love seeing them; they bring a smile to my heart :) Between Jenn and I's shared obsession with the Moulin Rouge soundtrack, and getting to see and hug Hannah when I didn't think I would... I was just a very happy girl :)

Fast forwarding through work... Small group was SO great tonight! (And no, I am not just saying that because some of them are reading this right now. HEY GIRLS!) I have said this before, but I think there is something so incredible and beautiful about vulnerability. When people are willing to share their joys, pain, struggles, goals, etc., a whole new dynamic is presented in those relationships, and it is there that you can truly grow together. In the past few weeks, I have seen such a growth in the unity of my small group, and it makes me so happy! I see support and love; it's genuine and full of compassion. It may have taken a while (since last semester, as a general consensus, was rough), and we are certainly far from perfect, but God is at work, friends! He has a perfect plan for us :)

"11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
{Jeremiah 29:11-13}

Yes, today was good :) And now, it is time for Bible reading and bed. Goodnight loves!

"You will keep in perfect peace 
 [she] whose mind is steadfast, 
 because [she] trusts in you."

{Isaiah 26:3}

(^^This lovely verse, I heard today from a girl named Shannon in my improv class. It's currently her favorite verse, so she brought it in for our exercise dealing with inspiration from text :) I loved it!)


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