Monday, February 6, 2012

The Super Bowl.

151.6 million: Number of people who will watch at least part of the game. 
41: Days in advance, on average, Super Bowl plans are made. 
20 million: Number of Americans attending a Super Bowl party. 
10 million: Number of man-hours spent preparing food for the Super Bowl party.
$5.6 billion: Amount consumers will spend on Super Bowl related items. 
$400 million: Amount of money added to the local economy because of the game. 
$12,500: Price Tiffany charges to produce the Vince Lombardi Trophy. 
$2.8 million: Cost for a 30-second advertisment slot during the game. {Source}
In the past 20 years, Super Bowl ads translated into $1.84 billion of network sales from over 200 different advertisers, according to TNS Media Intelligence. {Source}

I am not anti-Super Bowl, nor do I condemn those who watch it (I admittedly watch it too). However, this event is sort of epitomizes our nation's priorities and values. And during the game I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if we focused even just half of the attention and energy we put into the Super Bowl on bringing about justice in the world. What would that look like? How many people would be set free?.... This video is the product of my pondering. It wasn't scripted or really planned out in any way. I stumble over some words and say things that may not make the most sense. It was a one take, "this is what's on my mind" type of thing. But I wanted to put it out there, so I did.

Goodnight loves.


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