Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Holding myself accountable.

This past weekend at the youth girls' retreat, one of the things we talked about was gossip. We talked about how are words are a powerful thing, and we have to consciously consider whether our words will be used to build someone up or end up tearing them down.

"The tongue has the power of life and death, 
   and those who love it will eat its fruit."

{Proverbs 18:21}

In the small group that I led, we talked quite a bit about the reasons why we gossip. What we concluded was that it 1) gives you something to talk about, 2) makes you feel special/important for knowing something that other don't, 3) makes you feel better about yourself by putting others down, and 4) is used as a way of getting attention. I gave these girls as much guidance and advice as I could (both from scripture and personal experience) to help keep them from gossiping about their peers. Well, here is what I've come to notice: I gossip too. Quite a bit, actually. My intentions are never to be slanderous, hateful, or anything of that sort, but sometimes I say things that I know don't need to be discussed with others people and that I know are not pleasing to God. And since that retreat I've been telling myself, "Stephanie, how do you expect these girls to stop gossiping if you yourself aren't even trying?" Oh dang, the truth bomb just got dropped! I haven't even been thinking about monitoring that. I may not being doing the "he said/she said" thing, but I've thrown out unnecessary comments and stories that do not involve/concern me. I need to make a change in that sense, and I am holding myself accountable! I've called myself out on it at least three times, out loud, in the past two days. Some of my sisters have laughed at me for the way I call myself out, but I really do want to stop as much as I am able. I mean hey, with God, all things are possible :)

As for my day, it started with a 9 AM assessment, which was long and boring, but what can you do... I was able to enjoy lunch with Emma and Kaci before taking a quick nap and walking to the Arboretum. This week is National Service Week for SAO, and today we helped clear out fallen tree branches so that they can go through the chipper. We had some fun, too :) I found a perfect drum-stick and proceeded to make music on the tree trunks, we used a fallen tree as a balance beam, we sang a bit, and Hannah and Beth took some pictures! From there, I hung out at the Fishbowl with Hannah, Brittany, Brandi, and Courtney until psyc. I GOT A 99 ON MY TEST! Such a huge praise! I had been extremely nervous. After dinner, I spent the remainder of my evening (night?) with Steph :) After a pitstop by Walmart, we went back to her apartment to watch Dance Moms; I am officially all caught up! The moms have a lot of drama, but their daughters are just so talented! It's crazy and addicting to watch, truly. Oh, and this girl is absolutely precious!
(The image moves if you click on it.)

Her name is Mackenzie, and she's a lovely little dancer at only 7 years old!

Moving on... We also ended up watching an insane episode of America's Supernanny, but I am happy to report that the family ended up functioning SO well! Yay! And on that note, I will stop. Haha. Goodnight, loves!


aRiEl said...

Stephanie, couldn't help but comment on this! I have thought/been thinking a lot about gossip lately too. In my small group we actually talked about how even though many women struggle with sexual sin too, gossip is to women as sexual sin is to men. But then we realized, it's even worse! If a man is struggling with pornography and seeks council from a godly man about it, that man won't then say, "Hey, let's go watch pornography together!" But with gossip, even respectable, trusted, godly women will gossip because it is such a sneakier, more justifiable sin. Just interesting/sad! I'm trying to watch my gossiping too.

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