Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am much better at expressing joy than I am at actually experiencing it.

My stress leads to leakage, and the slightest slip can trigger irrational emotional response.

I often feel lonely, despite the fact that only only a fraction of my time is spent alone.

Writing a resumé is extremely overwhelming for me; it makes me feel inadequate.

Procrastination is my work method of choice, although it never fails to exhaust me.

When loved ones say things to me that are hurtful or offensive, I tend to keep it to myself.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't as visibly emotional as I am.

Internally, I struggle with patience.

I am quite emotionally dependent on my loved ones.

I despise my selfish thoughts.

My happiness often stems from the happiness of others.

Sometimes I fear that I won't get to live in Heaven.

I think I have a bit of an inferiority complex.

I could go on for a while, but I am a sleepy bear. Time to continue my reading in Mark and then go to bed. Goodnight, loves!


Heather Tobey said...

Dear Steph,
I love you. Always and Forever. You are so loved by so many people and we cannot express how much you mean to us. I don't know where I would be in life right now without you... probably dead, honestly. You are the sweetest, most selfless human being I have met. No one can listen quite like you do. No one can say just the right thing at just the right time like you can. You are so special and I pray that you gain a sense of peace today. I pray that joy flows swiftly into your life and dwells with you all day long. You, of all people, deserve to feel joy, love, and peace. Steph, I love you and pray that the Spirit touches you so deeply today that you are overwhelmed by it's power and presence. Have a beautiful day :)

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