Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday musings.

My little sister is truly a caring individual. Exhibit A:

This morning, she brought me breakfast in bed. I never asked, never expected anything, never put in an order. She got me my favorite Chick-fil-a breakfast meal and drink even though she didn't have to and she had the morning off from school. Exhibit B would have to be the birthday card she gave me a few days ago. It has a dancer on it, and it reads, "From your cute little nose to your tippy-toes, God's wonderful work surely shows," and it goes on to quote Psalm 119:73 ("You made me and formed me with Your hands."). I was touched, truly touched. I only hope that my life really has been an example of God and His work, because more than anything I want my little sister to know Christ. I know that not everyone may consider a card-message to be a symbol of someone's care, but in this instance, for me, it truly did. It's in the back of my Bible right now.

My sense of humor has shifted significantly since last summer. It may not necessarily be a bad thing, because people sure are laughing a lot, but it is definitely different!

I love my church and our pastors. Things that are said in our meetings truly leave me floored on occasion. Haha! But the atmosphere is always one of love and support, and I can't help but feel at home :)

I am so happy to be back home as an active youth leader! I missed these kids more than I even knew myself, and having time to really invest in them again is something I am greatly looking forward to! The way they praise Jesus is something that I think will always humble and inspire me. Each of them is a blessing, and they deserve to know that :)

I am certainly not at the peak of my dancing career, but I'm at a point now where I can enjoy it without beating myself into the ground over it. And in regards to this dance production, I seriously think I'm in the sweetest spot. I only have one role, I'm not choreographing for a class, I'm not even technically a part of the dance academy, but I still get to dance alongside my friends. And I'm doing it by choice, so I don't feel stress or anxiety about the performance. It will be fun :) And that is something I am so happy to be able to say!

It's intriguing to me how people profess that friendships will always hold precedence over relationships, yet this priority hierarchy is seemingly shattered when such a scenario actually comes about. It must be easier said executed, or perhaps there is no hint of realization in said behavior. Either way, it's something that piques my interest. (This, of course, excludes couples who are married or soon-to-be [different commitment level there]; I'm talking about simple "boyfriend"/"girlfriend" status.)

If it's not put together last minute, piling stress on a choreographer, or involving rehearsals that go until almost midnight, it's not a WEAG production. We start late, we end late, and somehow or another we make everything come together and work by the skin of our teeth. Such is the WEAG way, and such is the lives of those involved. There really is no choice but to learn to love and embrace it. Livin' on the edge, that's what we're doing!

Also, if you've never done so before, take a moment right now to just sit and be with God. Don't ask Him for anything, don't seek anything from Him; just stop, and be in that moment with Him. The kids were asked to do this tonight at youth group, and I honestly am not sure if I'd ever dedicated time to that before. Nonetheless, it was beautiful and serene :)

That's all for today. Goodnight my loves!


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