Friday, May 4, 2012

Goodbye sophomore year! Hello Summer!

Well, I finished my social work final in 30 minutes as predicted! And from there it was time to pack up, drop stuff off at the future house, grab some food, and head home! Yes, HOME! Eeeeep! And although it was bittersweet leaving my roommate...

 (For the record, we know this is myspace-status.)

... I am so happy to be free of finals and these classes in general! Also, I want to say how great it is to be able to come home and have everything just sort of fall back into place like you weren't really gone for that long. After unloading and dinner with the fam, I went to church and was surrounded by some of my favorite people! Heather and I had out first parking lot chat of the summer, right off the bat. I got to watch youth choir rehearsal (and almost be brought to tears by their beautiful praises). And even though I didn't actually attend Bible study tonight, the 1822 crew included me in their late-night plans of Cookout and a fire-pit at Josh's. I didn't even know everyone there, but I felt so welcomed and was at such peace :) I really am blessed with an amazing community; I will forever be grateful for that. Today was good; so good! I am, however, quite tired. That being said, I bid thee all adieu. Goodnight loves!


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