Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Well friends, aside from my GSCI final that I took today, not a whole lot has been done! I caught up on Once Upon a Time (which is still blowing my mind!), enjoyed some Java City and Starbucks sweet bread, took a nap in Carrier, and then... oh yes.... I went to the taco truck with my future Fishies (aka Steph, Hannah, Court, and Brandi)!

I know it looks sketchy, and yes it is just a random truck in a parking lot, but I was pleasantly surprised at how good my quesadilla was! And for only $4?! Yep, sure was. I'll be going back, because it really was enjoyable :)

I wish I could say the job search was as pleasant. Still without summer employment, my anxieties related to this matter continue to rise. I have, however, received help from a dear friend, and I may perhaps have a chance! Really, I just need something! So fingers crossed! I surely need it!

Goodnight my loves! I hope that everyone enduring finals is making due alright! YOU CAN DO IT!!!


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