Friday, March 25, 2011

If there is one pitfall to social networking

it is that nobody feels the need to tell you things in person. It's one thing when physically addressing someone isn't possible. It's another thing when you are perfectly capable of telling someone what's going on and you just don't. I am coming to despise finding things out on blogs and wall posts and e-mails that I feel like I deserved the courtesy to hear straight from the person's mouth. It hurts, and it probably affects me more than it should, but there's nothing I can really do about that. I just want my friends to be real with me! Tell me what you're going through and respect my feelings enough to do it in a personal fashion! Please!

Maybe Stephanie's right. Maybe this week has left me emotionally drained....

I don't want this post to be a total downer, so I will mention my highlights. I was able to get lunch with my beautiful sister, Courtney, and it honestly made my day. She's just like a little beam of sunshine in my life, and I love her so much :) I also got to see Hannah for a while. And although our bank endeavor was a fail, I'm really glad I got to spend time with her. She always makes my heart a little happier :) Then, later tonight, I got to see and hug my darling Brandi, which was a very lovely and unexpected surprise. Even later, Stephanie came by Carrier to bring me my duffle bag. She's just so great, I don't even know how else to say it. I love her so much. Her hugs make me feel so much better. It's not even that I was in a down or bad mood, I am just seriously on space-cadet status right now. I really think I just need to get away, which is why I am so excited for retreat this weekend...

Yes, dear loves, this will be my last post until sunday night. I am excited to say that I will be spending the weekend with these lovely ladies:
Well, most of them... I just really hope that God will bless this time so that we may grow closer to Him as well as to each other. These girls are such a blessing in my life, and I know that this weekend will be glorious. ΣΑΩ ♥

I hope you all enjoy your weekends! I love you!


Heather Tobey said...

DAH! I just love you so much. I hate that I can't be there for you when you are having a hard time. But know that my prayers are with you every. single. day. I love you! Have an awesome time on retreat :) I know that you certainly will!

Evan said...

You are so right about the social networking thingy. The worst thing is how some people talk to all the time on facebook and stuff, but act like they don't know you when they see you!

E.B. said...

thats probably what annoys me the most about social networks too. when i go to tell someone a story about something that happened to me the other day and they're like "yeah i saw on your twitter" or "yeah i saw on your blog" and then im like oh...yeah...

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