Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Black and gold, black and gold, black and gold, black and gold...

David (De Raw) was on the news tonight!
Ahhhh! I am so excited for him :) Please do not judge my creeper-ish screenshot, haha! And for those of you who have not heard his song, check it!

So yeah, today was a little rough, or the class part was anyways. I fell asleep in psyc (woops), and I had a test in health. However, I got to see some lovely friends/sisters, so that was nice. After health, Megan and I got to visit our service location for Justice Team's kingdom living project. Joy of Life is a ministry started by this lovely woman named Twyla. She has taken in several kids who slipped through the cracks of adoption, some of whom have special needs. Although she cannot legally adopt them, she has done what she calls "heart adoption," giving them a place to live, play, learn life skills, and get an education. I'm excited to start working there with small groups. There is so much that needs to be done, and I hope that God will use us to really bless Twyla and her family. Her little girl, Lexie, is so cute and sassy :) She is 9 years old, and she really is a riot. When Twyla asked Lexie what her needs were, she said a big sister. I know that Megan and I aren't going to be there every day, but I hope that we can be sister-like figures for her. And I know they are wanting some good male role models for the boys there, so I'm excited to see relationships forge between them and our boy small groups. This is going to be great, I can tell :) Since getting back from there, I've just been doing a short writing assignment and skyping Heather :) I am now ready to head back to Eagle. Goodnight my loves! Sleep well :)


E.B. said...

love that creeper shot....

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