Sunday, March 6, 2011

That crocodile just pulled a Shamoo...

I didn't wake up today until 12:30. It was absolutely glorious. After some conversating with my mom, Johnny, and Jenn, I went to sweet frog with Heather and Nikki :) It was delicious, and those two just make my heart really happy in general :) From there, I went to pick up quite a few job applications. Some of them I can't actually apply for, but at least I put in an application to Starbucks at 4 different locations. I really hope one of them gets back to me, even though I was informed that it often taken multiple tries :/ I went to get an application from Sweet Frog, but they told me to come back once I was out of school. Really? I just wanted to fill it out now so that I would know whether or not they were interested in hiring me before I came home for break. I NEED MONEY! But anyways, I went to dinner at Chipotle with Kathryn, Kim, Elizabeth, Elsbeth, Colin, Matt and Rachel, and that was a lovely time. We followed that up with some Starbucks, where I ran into someone I haven't seen or talked to in a while. It surprisingly wasn't that awkward though, so that's good. The rest of the evening was spent just being ridiculous and cramming more people in one car than any person should, haha. Tweet! Oh, and we watched this really intriguing movie on FEARnet called Black Water... Long story short, a crocodile kills everyone except this one girl who really shouldn't have survived in the first place. Yeah, it was a pretty awful horror movie, but at least is kept us amused! Haha. Goodnight loves :)


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