Friday, March 4, 2011

Twas Thursday today.

This morning went a little something like this: wake up at 8:45, bathroom, review psyc chapters until 10, get dressed and ready, catch the bus, study my notebook in the hallway until test time. My exam score: 96! Woop Woop!

Following the test, I: sat in the sunny window-paned hallway filling out health stuff, got lunch, completed a discussion board, caught a bus, health, Kline's ice cream with Justice Team, JT hang out in TDU. We played the If/Then game; it was quite funny. Yes, my eyeballs did leak, haha. (They also leaked when I watched this video that Jenny told me about, haha! But listen, there is profanity and other animals being eaten. So if that's not your kind of video, don't click the link. Haha.)

The remainder of my evening has been spent packing, listening to music, and talking to the beautiful Stephanie and Hannah on facebook chat :) They make me happy, always :)

Well loves, I am quite tired. And even though I get to sleep in until 9 tomorrow, that's technically only like 6 hours away. After 2:15 tomorrow I will be on my way home for spring break! So exciting. However, I am really going to miss some of my friends from here. As unfortunate as that will be, I'm so happy that I can say that now! I haven't really been able to until very recently. I've made good friendships and have deep connections here! This is a good thing, a very good thing. So between that and the excitement of getting a week off at home with so many of my loves, I feel pretty great right now! Goodnight my loves! Pleasant dreams :)

P.S.- I will be catching up with/completing Proverbs Project!


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