Monday, March 28, 2011

"Your sorority is SO sassy!"

Why yes Daniel, we are. Haha!

{Photo cred: Lauren}
(I'll post more pictures later.)

So, this weekend was my retreat with my lovely SAO sisters. I had such an amazing time :) Devotionals, testimonies, worship around the campfire, hair braiding, fishbowl, psychiatrist, eating (a lot), late night conversations in the kitchen/pantry.... All of it just filled my heart with joy :) I know that I literally say this all the time, but I love my sisters. SO MUCH! They have become such an integral part of my life, and they've taught me so much, even in this short time. I want to spread that love that I have with them to people everywhere, specifically new friends that I have recently met or will meet in the future. The theme of this weekend was "Fishers of Men."

"And He said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.'"
{Matthew 4:19}

I know this is discussed rather often in the church--spreading the gospel and bringing others to know Christ. However, I've never really told myself, "Stephanie, you need to strive to bring this person to know God." That is something I challenged myself to this weekend. And even though it seems to be an impossible feat, I want to try to bring my father and younger sister into a relationship with the Lord. Even typing that out makes me anxious, you all. It's going to be difficult, but I think it is important for me to do. This retreat really placed that realization on my heart, and I'm glad for it. How can I try to communicate God's word to others if I'm too scared to do it with my own family members? Hold me accountable, please, and be praying for me as well. I think I can! I think I can!

Upon my return from Lake Anna (where the retreat was), Stephanie and I headed over to Carrier, which is where I stayed until 2. Now I am sitting in the Eagle study lounge and am about to go get ready for bed. I love you all, sweet loves! Goodnight.


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