Thursday, March 24, 2011


I've been running on two hours of sleep all day..... bear with me, please.

My exam this morning wasn't too bad, I'm hoping I come away with at least a B. Once classes were done, Stephanie and I hit the road for Richmond. As we both noted, it was so weird to be walking around in Short Pump on a random wednesday when we're usually at school. Two two of us met up with my darling Heather at Sweet frog for some froyo before venturing over to Teavana and Urban. Twas a lovely time, I loved being with those two. It felt like it had been forever since I'd hugged Heather, and I'm so glad I got to. From the mall I headed over to my sister's house to go to the viewing..... (I'll come back to that.)

The "viewing" wasn't anything like what the word suggests. I walked in to find framed pictures everywhere, stacks of photo albums, cheering uniforms hanging, trophies scattered, and flowers all around the room. It was all one big testament to the work, love, and dedication Hilda had for all of us. I saw so many girls I haven't seen in years, and it was seriously one of the craziest reunions ever. None of it was strange, because we were all there for Hilda. Just like she was dedicated to us, we are dedicated to her. I saw a girl I used to dance with, and she hadn't cheered for Hilda in over 6 years. There were girls all over the room in their uniforms, many more girls and adults in Cheer Factory shirts/colors. Being there was kind of like being in a hall of fame. It was really uplifting and I'm so happy I went.

I only shed a few tears while I was there, nothing too crazy. But here is where the "I'll come back to that" comes in. Long story short, my older sister was really rude to me while I was on my way to her house, and my mom didn't seemed really interested in paying respects (at least not tonight). For whatever reason, both of those things really hurt me (my sister more-so, because her attitude also implied a skewed order of priorities). I couldn't sit there and talk to my mom anymore, so I decided to go to my dad's. He had no idea I was even in Richmond, and he also had no idea that Hilda passed. I was telling him about everything when I just started crying and he hugged me. Some things just don't make sense to me. I won't go into detail on here, but I want to take this moment to address any of my SAO sisters that may be reading this:

I am so appreciative of you all. I can't even begin to adequately express that to you. You all show more love and concern for me than my own biological sister. The level that you care about me warms my heart immensely, and while I was breaking down tonight, it was you all that I wished I could have been with. Thank you for being sisters to me, and thank you for calling me sister. I am so blessed to have you all in my life.

My apologies for the abrupt shift in tone, but I am now done with my psyc quiz and it's time to leave Carrier. I love you all so much! Goodnight.


Taylor said...

Hi. I was praying for you all day....... I'm happy it was a rather positive day for the most part at least. That makes me oh so happy.

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