Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day full of distractions.

Classes were fine; I only fell asleep in one of them. The rest of my day was spent in the library (and a break for small group). Too bad I got really distracted by facebook, Taylor, Hannah, Isaac, Christa, Stephanie, Nicole, SAO group chat, and skype. Yes, Stephanie and I did absolutely no work for several hours because we were skyping each other....

(Yes, we were sitting right next to each other. Haha!) Then, after we skype-chatted Courtney and group chatted a bunch of SAO girls, Steph and I skyped with Hannah and Brandi...

Do I have a test tomorrow? Yes. Was I productive today? Not at all.  Was it worth it? I think yes :)

Love you all! Goodnight!


Stephanie Nicole said...

....Those pictures are ROUGH!!! You are mighty brave putting those on your blog missy!!

Hannah Aleece Harrison said...

The first one of me is so awful!!! the second is funny-I like it but man...you cut me deep;) JK Love you and your unproductiveness that was partially fueled by me!!

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