Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Honesty and black shoes.

Happy new shoes day to me! My TOMS came in...

...and Candice finally had a chance to take me out to find my birthday present :)

Yay for new shoes! I'm going to get plenty of use out of them, that's for sure.

In other news, let's look at the "Christian girl meme."

Now, I know it's funny, and the "modest is hottest" phrase has always been a bit cheesy in my opinion. However, I put this image on here because I think that phrase really does hold true for me (as it pertains to my own self-confidence). I feel significantly more attractive and confident if I am fully clothed and I know that everything that needs to be covered, is. I don't jump up and down at the opportunity to wear a bathing suite, and I'm becoming less and less of a fan of tight-fitting clothing. Put my in jeans and a nice v-neck t-shirt for the rest of my life, and I think I'd be okay; that, or a nice dress that is a length suitable for someone of my height and stature. My point is, I feel the best about myself when I am being modest. In that, I don't need to worry about the nooks and crannies and can instead just enjoy what I'm doing and focus on that. So thank you, Christian girl meme. I hope that there are guys out there that genuinely agree with Mr. Gosling up there. It sure would be a comfort, huh?!

Goodnight loves!


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