Tuesday, July 3, 2012

And Purple Neptune goes into the shop...

AGAIN. Yes, I don't even have the car for a whole year and it has to go in the shop for the second time. I'm telling you, I would love to have a decent stint of time where my car is actually stable. I'm afraid these repairs might drain the account I'm using to save for rent... I'm praying that isn't the case!

Also, on that note, I'm going to try really hard to not let this consume my mind. I have a horrid habit of letting money-related issues consume me, and to an extent it's becoming a sort of idol in my life. It's not that I worship money or anything quite so drastic, but I do let the stressors of financial burden interfere with my ability to focus on or even just spend time with God.

"You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not create for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters below."
{Exodus 20:3-4}

(I just typed that from memory; it was one of my verses last Summer. Hopefully I got it right!) I mention that not to bloviate, but just to prove to myself that I know my fixation with money is not okay. Scripture tells me that it's not, and I know that scripture! Thus, I have no excuses. I need to trust and truly have faith. He will carry me through my struggles and worries without fail!


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