Monday, June 13, 2011

Just found my old memory card!

This is what was was left on it:
 Candice and I! I do like this picture :) And I just wanted to point out that I am wearing 1) Osiris skater shoes (which I thought were SO cool!) and 2) a t-shirt my friend Ivy made me that says "I <3 rolling backpacks." Hahaha, yessss!
 Cousins! April and Molly :) April actually just graduated this past week, and Molly is about to be a sophomore. Crazy!
 Molly! I thought this was so artsy when I took it :)
 Candice and Justin.... when they were still dating.... Okay moving on! Haha.
 Myspace pic anyone? Haha. And if you're wondering about the outfit, that was my dance uniform that year for competition hip hop. It's snazzy, I know. Hilda knew how to pick 'em ;)
This was my Myspace profile pic for quite some time, haha. I liked that it looked like my hair was straightened, but I didn't actually own a straightener (I was late on getting one). Haha. And that American Eagle shirt was probably my favorite. I wore it all the time :)

Haha, so old! That last picture was taken January 20, 2006. Dang!

I thought there would be more on there, but I suppose the memory was so low I had gotten in the habit of deleting things. Well, I just thought I'd share those :)


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