Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Although today was long, at least I can say I enjoyed myself. But I'm to the point right now where I basically only talk in monotone and I have a mild headache that's been lingering for the past 5 hours or so. Thus, this is going to be short (by my standards) and sweet. Ready, go!

Internship was the usual 9-4. I didn't lose any money on my memory verses; praise. As far as tasks are concerned, we arranged and painted the riser platforms, added cross-beams for support, and swept the stage for the youth production. I went straight from there to Hermitage to run cheering tryouts. It went a lot better than I had anticipated, which I'm glad about. The girls were very attentive, and they were definitely working hard. We got through the cheer and both chants today, but we didn't even get to start on the dance. Thus, tomorrow is going to be a rough day for them. That dance is over eight 8-counts long; be praying for them... I left there around 6 and headed right back to church. After snagging Joni, Devin, and myself pizza from 1822 (praise the Lord for those free meals!), the interns did various tasks to help out during the choir rehearsal. A little set tweaking, some note-taking, input on blocking, and helping the choir all sway in the same direction (cough cough, boys) haha! At 9 we headed up to see people once 1822 was over, and a bunch of us went to the traditional spot, Boyers. I tried the zero calorie XXX Vitmain Water; it was weird. I don't think I'd recommend it. But anyways, we enjoyed some lovely conversation outside before calling it a night. I would have loved to have hung out, but I told Elizabeth that I knew I wouldn't be a lot of fun. Haha, seriously, I am dunzo. I was lugging my 3 bags of stuff (hands full) up to my front door, and when I found out the door was locked, I almost cried. Haha, that is how tired I am! But it is all good, because I get to sleep in tomorrow and the Lord will surely bless me with superb rest and strength for the day that lies ahead :) Goodnight all!


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