Twas an early morning for me, unfortunately. I woke up at 8 AM after receiving less than four and a half hours of sleep... Anyways, I had a meeting for my major at 9:30 on the other side of campus, but luckily it was short, sweet, and to the point. Afterwards, Ashton came back form the meeting with me to visit my room. We sat and talked for a bit, and compared schedules. {So far, I don't have a single class with
anyone.} Not long after her departure, I went to lunch at Duke's with my Penthouse Girls :) I ate lunch with Kelsey and Colleen, and it was pretty easy to keep a conversation flowing; success! I have a feeling Kelsey and I are going to be good friends. She's very sweet, and she seems like she'd be up to do whatever as far and hanging out and whatnot :) But yes, from lunch we went to this program titled "I am JMU." It talked about the diversity on campus and whether or not we even considered this school to be diverse. It was pretty deep, and they had all of us stand-up to declare our differences in characteristics and life experiences; all the while being cheered on by our fellow classmates. In all seriousness, it was quite motivating! Our FROG group had a discussion period afterwards where we wrote these poems about what we came from; old traditions, incidents from our past, home town descriptions, etc. A few of the girls read theirs, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how willing they were to open up in front of us. I really do like that, because even though I didn't want to share my thoughts today, I feel confident that these girls will be people that I can trust later on. So that was lovely and invigorating! I rushed back to the dorm to change after that to go to Ezara's pool {in her townhouse area} with her and Ellory! I was glad to see some faces from home! I got a tour of Ezara's humble abode {which is adorable!}, and then we just chilled by the poolside. Unfortunately, though, I had to be back at Eagle by 4:45; except I ended up being late anyways. It's okay though, I got changed and found two other girls who could walk to Festival with me. We ended up sitting together at dinner too. Friendships are in the making people! Haha, but anywho... An exhibition of a cappella groups, dance clubs, steppers, and such followed supper. I wish I had known that it was going to be three hours long though! I would have taken a nap and come later! Ugh, I ended up just dozing off a few times during the performances. {I pulled a Kelly, haha. Speaking of.. I'M SO GLAD I TALKED TO YOU TONIGHT KELLY!!!} And I felt bad because everyone did so good, but I am just exhausted! I made it through though, and we went straight from the ballroom to the convocation center; where we saw entertainer and mentalist, Craig Karges. My mind was ultimately and legitimately blown! I don't even understand how those things happened?! How did he know those things?! Oh my gosh, I could go on a tangent about just that, but I have to refrain before I pass out. Look him up, though. You will be utterly bamboozled. I found myself coming back to the dorm once the show was over, and I could tell you about my incredible almost-hour-long skype date went with Heather, but you know what they say. A picture is worth a thousand words...

{Daggers :P}
Happy weekend everyone! I hope yours has been splendid! I love you and miss you very much! Mwah!
Oh yes, and I decided that I am going to read the book of Ephesians. I feel like God is wanting me to do so. I know I mentioned the random piece of woof with "Ephesians 6:10" written on it. Well, tonight, one of the Christian a cappella groups had "Ephesians 5:19" written on their shirts! Ephesians AGAIN! This is definitely a sign for me; at least I think so! I shall try my hardest to start that tomorrow! Goodnight again!
"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord..." {Ephesians 5:19}
the mini-tangent to me made me smile :) it was nice to hear your lovely voice tonight!
first of all, that picture is horrendous. second, i'm happy that you are making lots and lots of friends. and third, Ephesians has so much great stuff in it! as for now, i hope you are sleeping peacefully in your cozy bed. sweet dreams, friend!
I love ephesians! Its one of my favorites. and Im glad your making friends and enjoying yourself. Another which is kinda cool is my mom told me that if God is trying to point something out to a person with a sign he usually trys to confirm the sign by showing it somewhere twice. So maybe when you saw that on there shirts it was God confirming what he wanted you to do =)
love ephesians
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