Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Inspired by the lovely advice of Elysia.
Never, ever base your self-value or happiness on someone of the opposite gender. Don't believe that you have to be in a relationship with someone to be happy. Find happiness in yourself. The minute you start basing the foundation of your joy in others is the moment you begin to deplete your self-esteem and self-worth. You are beautiful, marvelous human beings just the way you are; you; a single individual. Relationships may not last forever, but you will remain yourself no matter what. So find inner peace and satisfaction with in yourself. Do not let others dictate your emotional status. You don't need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy. If you happen to be swept off of your feet by prince charming, then go for it by all means! But don't date around just to fill some sort of void that society tells us needs to be filled at all times. Trust in the Lord. He has His own timing and will not let your suffer needlessly. True love will find you if you trust in Him, and don't even try to doubt that. {I just went on a long tirade about how it's useless and stupid to doubt God's abilities.} But anyways, I felt like sharing this because it's something I've thought about on more than one occasion. I'm just tired of seeing my friends sad because they don't "have anyone." Cheer up buttercup! You do not need a man to make you happy. Trust!
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amen! and amen! it is sad when people think that they have to have that "special person" to be happy. i mean, i am not going lie, i definitely have thought that before. but that was before i fell in love with this man named Jesus Christ. yea, he's pretty much the best Lover ever... he won't break my heart and he just keeps loving! haha. but happiness cannot be found in our surrounding, rather it must be found within (just like you said). i think todays society is unstable and that the people "at the top" aren't secure in who they are. so they assume that if they need someone to make them happy, then everybody else does too! what a crazy thought. in my humble opinion, i believe that before someone gets into a relationship with the opposite sex they must be fully in love with Jesus and be totally okay with being single because they know that Jesus will always fill their cup. the Lord must be our portion, not our left overs. He must be first in our lives. anywho, i'm just preaching to the chior right now and rambling on, so i'm going to cut it off here :) love love love!
i've actually been thinking a lot about this lately
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