Oh, what a day! I slept until 1, watched Disney channel all day, and didn't straighten my hair until 5 or 6. And then, about an hour or so later, I took my little sister to get dinner at Casa Grande; always delicious! After coming back to the house for approximately fifteen minutes, I left to go pick up Elsbeth to go to David's party; which was immensely fun! We got there around 10, and I was immediately greeted by an attack hug from the lovely Amber Mora :) Shortly afterwards, I was reunited with my boyfriend, haha. Yay! But yes, I partook in every possible pastime available at said party. I danced more than I have in over a year, haha! It was a lot of fun, and I was so glad to have Addie there to relive our Club 11 days :) I also enjoyed some Monster of the green and blue varieties. And, even though I lost, I played two entertaining rounds of water pong. I sampled the delightful tastes of water vapor and black forest as well ;) Then, group of us sat in the water pong room and just talked for over an hour! It was so funny. And just as the boys were about to crash, we made them all get up to make a 4 AM Waffle House trip!
{David decided to go for the creeper look... haha.}
Yeah, it wasn't long after he finished that Adam was on his way to the restroom, haha. Can you say fail? Plus, you never want to enter the bathrooms at the Waffle House; it's one of our unwritten rules. The other rule is that you don't go there before 1 AM, haha. Anyways, we left there a little before 5 to venture back home. Kay is crashing at my house for the night; though technically it's the morning. And we are getting up for church in a little over four hours! Woop woop! Well, I'm off to go shower and get some shut eye. Goodnight/ good morning my loves! Happy August :)
P.S.- I wrote a note earlier on facebook. You should read it if you're interested. Sorry if I didn't tag you. I was rather distracted earlier today, and I certainly didn't mean for it to be exclusive or personal.
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