Well, since my last post {which was at some early hour of the morning that I cannot recall}, I slept for approximately two and a half hours before waking up for church. Then, after the service, I went to lunch at Moe's with Kathryn, Elsbeth, Colin, and Annemarie. When we got there, I was surprised to also see Travis, J. Blair, Whitney, Cronson, and Connor. And we were later joined by Josh, Zach, and Luke. Yeah, it was pretty much a party, haha. There wasn't a hangout or anything afterwards, though, so I decided to use said time to take a nap. I only got about an hour of sleep though before it was time to go over to my dad's. I made brownies while he put the finishing touched on dinner; which was tacos. My father, sister, and I took a little stroll down the memory lane of Nickelodeon's old tv shows from the 90s {ex. Cousin Skeeter, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Figure it Out, Action League, Kablam, etc.}. I loved that. Then, at 7:30, I got a brownie to-go and drove over to Nikki's house to watch the last few episodes of the America's Next Top Model marathon with her and Heather :) We snacked on yummy popcorn, drank Coke Zero, laughed until we cried, critiqued the models, imitated Tyra, and discussed the proper way to snap a Z formation :) Nikki also pointed out my large eyeballs, haha. Might as well embrace it, right?

I had such a lovely time with those two! They always manage to make my day :) You know, I heard this song on the way home, and it was talking about a girl being beautiful just the way she is. Take a second to think about it, and honestly ponder whether or not you believe that about yourself. I think we often times focus so much on what we can improve on or what we're "lacking" that we forget that we were made this way purposefully by God; exactly the way we are. And you know, even a show as superficial as ANTM can show you that our differences are what make us beautiful and unique...
{Small forehead.}
{Large eyebrows.}
{Dark skin.}
{Full figure.}
And it isn't just physicalities...
{Brain damage.}
{Waning eyesight.}
We all have obstacles to overcome, but we don't need to change anything about ourselves. I hope you all, my dearest friends, never change who you are. I love you in your entirety! Thank you for being the gorgeous souls that you are! You are truly the most beautiful people I have ever known :) Goodnight!
Awwww this song is so sweet! <3
love the song.. love the picturees, love your words, love you!!!
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