Well, today way another day of sad goodbyes. My little Kathryn is leaving for Lynchburg tomorrow, and it's going to be truly bizarre. I feel like I spend every day with her and Elizabeth, and now they're going to be hours away :( I'm not going to lie, I cried tonight. It just hits you all at once! Ugh, I don't like any of this one bit; not at all! I'm just glad that I'll have Kim here with me for the week before we venture off to JMU. It's comforting to know that not all of my lovely seniors will be gone. And do you want to know what's sad? I almost started crying tonight just thinking about
myself leaving. I know I have one more week and it's not over yet, but it's a terrible, saddening thought! I was hugging Addie and felt like I was on the verge. I hugged Heather and my eyeballs started leaking. And when I hugged Kathryn I just kind of broke. Oh Lord, help me maintain my stability throughout this whole process. I don't easily adjust to separation; especially when it comes to people I love. You know, we all knew that these partings were on the horizon, yet there was no way to really prepare ourselves for it. I think I had my mind tricked into thinking that this summer could carry on forever; reality a mere afterthought. But no, in less than seven days I'm going to have to face this myself, and I just pray that I won't turn into too much of a wreck....
And for those of you who wish to keep tabs on my life (Nikki.... haha!), here's the bullet version:
- Wake up at 10:30 and get presentable.
- Drop off "thank you" letters at Hermitage.
- Buy a message board for my dorm room door.
- Lunch with Ashlyn (so lovely!).
- Come home and choreograph a little bit for these hip hop classes I'm teaching tomorrow.
- Dinner at my dad's.
- Ascend the Hill and Ember Days concert (so good!).
- Farewell bidding at El Chaps :(
- Come home and work on more hip hop stuff.
And now, I think I shall shower and go to bed. Tomorrow awaits! Goodnight my loves! And Kathryn, I love you more than you may ever imagine. I know you are going to
love Lynchburg, and you'll make plenty of awesome new friends :) Just don't forget about me, okay? You're one of my closest friends, and I'm glad that I've gotten to know you over the past year-and-a-half. Our friendship can only grow stronger in time; at least that is my prayer. Have fun! And like I said before,
I love you.
Step!!!! We are going to have fun in college. I am stating that fact right now. And we should totally look into sororities together!!!! :D
Stephanie! I love you! Your letter shall be mailed to you as soon as i can figure out how to do it! Haha. And I will NEVER forget about you! You better not forget about me! I love you sooo much! :)
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