a water boiler...

and a dorm in a bag!
Haha, that thing is seriously awesome. It comes with sheets, a comforter, towels, a fleece throw, white boards, and the "bag" is a clothes hamper. Love it :) Anyways, I had dinner with my dad tonight before going to bible study; which I've missed quite a bit. Then, afterwards, I went to Sweet Frog with Heather and Elsbeth. We enjoyed our froyo and some brief convo time in my car. I love those two :) Shortly following that, I drove down to the Byrd to see Kick-Ass with Kathryn, Kim, Josh, Julie, Destry, Lizzie, and Daniel. It was on okay movie, but it went from being funny to depressing every two seconds. I wasn't really sure what to think, haha. Once the movie was over, a group of us went to Waffle House; shocker I know. Our waitress, April, gave us all WH hats! Kim was ecstatic! She even had our favorite waitress, Maegan, sign her's; haha!
When all of our food had been eaten, we decided to be a little drive around a bit and have a little fun. Kathryn and I {which later became Kim and I} rode in the back of Jesse's truck, and it was quite fun :)
{Haha, Kim and I entertained ourselves with a plastic bag :) }
When I finally got back to the Waffle House to get my car, the alarm decided to go off! Never have I ever had to turn my car alarm out, and thus I had no clue had to go about it. It literally took me a good 45 seconds to figure it out. Can you say embarrassing? This family was hardcore staring at me and they were walking out to their vehicle. Ugh, well I suppose I had to learn sometime. But yes, now I'm here; all showered and ready for bed. I love you all! Sweet dreams :)
{Photos taken by Kim!}
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