Wow, that certainly does seem like a lot! Well, today was absolutely lovely! I got up, took care of the dogs, and then went up to WEAG. The service was awesome. We got to hear Brian King's pretty voice, and I sat next to two lovely friends; Heather and Elysia. I actually followed the sermon today; which is always a plus. And, after all was said and done, we ventured over to Stony Point for lunch. Heather and I got Chipotle while Elysia hit up Panera. We sat at a little table outside, and were later joined by Ezara, Kay, and Nikki :) Then, once it started raining, Heather and I perused around Anthropologie before I took her back to church. The rest of the daylight hours were spent taking care of the dogs one last time, family dinner at my dad's (including grandparents) for Jennifer's birthday. Then, around 8, I was informed that I had to complete the Alcohol Wise thing for JMU by tomorrow; which is technically today. So I did that while skyping Heather. I wish I could do that now... I hit my breaking point. I can no longer handle the nonsense and the idiocy. Being the bigger person has taken its toll on me. But then again, I'm starting to wonder if I have even been the better person. I thought I walked the high road, but I don't think others have seen it that way. I feel bad because I don't think God would approve of my conduct, and I feel guilty for that. Finding Christ-like love is difficult to channel amongst human hatred. I don't know what all I'm feeling right now. Anger, frustration, confusion, upset.... I need to go to bed; my apologies for the word vomit.
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