Hello my lovelies! It is currently 3:18 AM. I just finished my lab log assignment. I have Cheerwine rushing through my system. I am tired, yet wired. My back hurts from slouching over for the past four hours. And I've somehow managed to crack my sternum several times within the past half hour; tis strange. Tomorrow is still an early day for me because of my 9:30 AM court time. But let me just say, I feel so accomplished right now. I legit focused on physics for four hours. In my book, that is almost unheard of! Any facebook or email checking was limited to two minutes tops; which is shocking considering my odd addiction. At any rate, my last huge assignment of my secondary education is done; finished! Ahhhhh! My level of stokedness is to crazy for words! Oh my... EEEEEEP! I just love life right now. I love you all. You are the highlight of my life. And I cannot wait to see what this summer has in store for us!!! My summer starts on Friday at 3:45! Let's live it up suckaaasssssss! Hahaha! Can you tell how crazy I am right now? I think it's just because I've been awake for almost 20 hours. Hmmm, sleep might be nice. Maybe. Possibly. BUT FIRST!!!
Eeeep! I love you, I love you, I love you!
I don't know how else to phrase it :)
Oh! Before I leave, I wanted to share this video with you that we watched in dance class! I just think it's really awesome :)
a snippet of Larry Keigwin's Runaway
i'm so jealous of your energy. i made it till three last night, but without coffee, i couldnt go on. i ended up waking up again at 6 30. twas only supposed to be a cat nap, not a whole 3and 1/2 hours! oops!
you, my friend, are truly insane. haha. being sleep deprived is never my goal, but you ma'am deprive yourself intentionally. i love you, but girl you crazy! haha :)
so mad about 3am
that vid was riduclous
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