Today was simply divine :) I woke up, ate breakfast, got ready, and met up with Kelly at Short Pump for a little shopping rendez-vous :) It was so fantastic. We have just as much fun taking pictures with the merchandise as we do buying it, haha!
Oh yeah Kelly, I never gave you back your house keys.... fail. haha. But moving on, I had to miss Bible study tonight because of driving school. It was long. It was boring. I got homework. EPIC FAIL. It's okay though, as soon as I got home I went to Elizabeth's for some hangout time. When I got there, Elizabeth, Julie, and Kim were painting their nails and watching "Clueless." Can you get more girly-cliche than that? Haha! Well, around 11 we decided to take a trip to McDonald's. The food may be unhealthy, but I certainly didn't feel too guilty eating it. Haha, the people that work there were probably hating us. Between Kim's loudness, Elizabeth trying to eat my Shrek toy, and us making jokes about "stunky unicorns," we were pretty much out of control, haha! Twas a good night; a good night indeed. Heck, the whole day was amazing (minus driving school of course). I was about to crash at Elizabeth's when I remembered that I have a scholarship breakfast to attend at 9 AM in the morning; yet another fail. Oh well, such is life I suppose...
Before I leave, here are some of the old music videos you were promised. Enjoy!
Hilary Duff: (And she gets a bonus video because Lizzie McGuire was just that amazing!)
Again, these are only a select few of the videos that Elizabeth and I sifted through. There are plenty more, and they're all amazing! I miss this music. I really do. Let's bring it back! Please?!
I'm Stephanie. I love everyone, and everyday I am amazed by the blessings God has bestowed upon me. I have an amazing family of friends that I share my life experiences with, and I have a crazy culmination of thoughts that clutter my cranium. I have passions and dreams, opinions and questions. I blog to share these things with others, and for my own personal relief at times. My hope is that someone, somewhere, is interested enough to read about it. If not, that's okay too :) I just enjoy the opportunity to set my thoughts free!
yes 98 degrees.
ahhh i miss this music as well! its amazing i still know all the words.
yesss! hilary duff! haha miss her.
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