Guess who has no more early bird? Me! What lovely news to start off my day. But, remember that physics test I mentioned yesterday? Okay, well how about I took almost four pages worth of notes in my tiny handwriting, only to get a 59 question multiple choice/true-false test. I mean, I'm glad it wasn't insanely hard, but still! I did all of that excess writing for nothing! Figures.... Anyways, today was Toga Tuesday at Hermitage, I didn't partake, but my friend Kenneth did! Haha :) He looks so pretty in his flowery sheet! Ha! He kept being like, "Oh my gosh, I'm so fat." "It's wrapped too loose." "It's hard to walk in this thing." Kenneth, you are constantly humoring me with your witty side-comments. However, sometimes he needs a cork shoved in his mouth. After a while, Mariah said probably one of the greatest quotable comments ever: "If you're going to complain, have a solution." I can't quite tell you exactly why, but I just loved that! Hmm, I got most of my regalia today for graduation. I get to wear it tomorrow for our senior honors assembly. Woop woop! I'm going to be decked out! Two stoles, four pairs of chords, at least one single chord, a medallion, and some pins; yay! But moving on, I only have two dance classes left! Ahhh! I can't even believe that! I am looking forward to Friday though. Mrs. Fink told us that we have a guest artist coming in for a contact improv class! What a treat for our last day :) I had hip hop tonight for the first time in forever! Twas fun indeed! But then again, I always enjoy myself when I'm in good company :) 1822 was pretty legit. I
loved the worship band tonight! Soooo much! I had a little bit of a hard time focusing while Will was speaking though. Ugh, I really need to work on that. The socializing afterwards made me happy. My friends make me happy. Love makes me happy. Procrastinating on this crazy 1,000 point lab log is making me happy (although I know I'll regret it tomorrow). Well my loves, I need to call it a night before I lose my sanity. I love you all! Pleasant dreams :)
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