for my absence last night (Saturday). I came home around 2, and after I took a shower I laid down in my bed and accidentally fell asleep. I woke up at 5:50 to find my light still on, my towel still on my head, and no blog had been posted. FAIL. So, this blog is going to be double-stacked. Brace yourself; here it goes.
Yesterday: I got up at 9, got dressed, went to Kelly's to take care of the dogs, picked up Harry, and then headed back to my house to get ready for the annual Center for the Arts picnic. On the way to Henrico, Jennifer broke the passenger-side visor off of the inside of my car. As if my car wasn't ghetto enough... haha. Her and Harry proceeded to pass it back and forth; using it as a mirror. They are such goofballs. Anyways, the first order of business at Henrico was the Senior honors assembly. I didn't get the Lee Hanchey scholarship (the one I had to scramble to get test scores and write the extra essays for and whatnot), but Alex Curly did, and he definitely deserves it :) I did, however, get my chords to wear at graduation. Hooray for lots of regalia! So after sitting in the auditorium for an hour, we got to eat lots of food! Yum, that is all I have to say. Dance lost the tug-of-war contest, but that really is how it happens every year. Haha, so that wasn't really a shocker. Before my departure, I sat in Miss Vicky's office for almost 45 minutes with her, Tony, Chelsea, Theresa, and Rachel just talking. I'm going to miss the studio; office chats; my dance class. It's really to bizarre for me to fathom as of yet. At any rate, I went home for a short while before it was time for dinner! Eeep! Okay, so I took Heather to the Melting Pot for her birthday, and it was lovely. First of all, I loved watching every single hostess, waiter, waitress, and manager come by our table and tell Heather "Happy Birthday!" Haha, she did not know how to handle it :) We both found it rather humorous that they brought out the wine menu for us to look at. All in all, it was a delicious meal with amazing company. I couldn't have asked for a nicer evening :) Later on that night, I went over to Elizabeth's for some chill time, but this was after going on a wild goose chase to find them at WalMart; only to then turn around and go to her casa 2 minutes later. We watched "Taken" and talked about some things that were on our minds. And even though it wasn't quite what I had expected, I know it was a healthy thing for us to do; because, if I'm being honest, it's been too long since we've really talked. And that, my friends, is my day of yester. Let's move on to today (Sunday):
I woke up a little but earlier this morning so that I could go take care of Buddy and Belle before heading over to WEAG, and I somehow managed to get to church like 30 minutes early. How that happened... I have no idea. I tried the Lotus tea today (thanks for the recommendation, Annemarie), and it was delectable! Service was really good this morning; especially with Micah and Kristy leading it. I still cannot believe we did "Be Bold" in the middle of service. That literally blew my mind, but in a completely awesome way :) After church, I had a Thai lunch with the lovely Lindsay Dunnavant. (That picture is a depiction of how baffled she was trying to operate Chelsea's phone, haha.) We discussed life, fought over who was going to pay, and set up another date for this Friday. Yay! So, coming home was kind of a bummer, but only because I was trying to prevent my "bad day." Ever since last night, I've been keeping Motrin in my system. But even still, I wasn't feeling super great, so I took another Motrin and went to sleep for a while. I woke up to an alarm at 5:15 so that I could get to my Dad's for dinner. The meal, as always, was scrumptious. He kicked us out around 9 though, cause he had to take a shower and whatnot. I took Jennifer to Starbucks, and we indulged in some grade frappaccinos; love! When I got home, I browsed the internet for a but while catching the end of "The Lovely Bones" before I ventured over to Elizabeth's house to hang out. We watched Kate Plus 8, Kathryn and I laughed uncontrollably at Carlton, and Elizabeth and I ended the night watching/singing to old late 90s/early 2000s music videos. It was incredible. I'm posting a blog tomorrow with some of the video's on it, so get stoked! I love you all!
Oh my gosh, before you depart, watch these videos!!!
Two Boys (Ages 5 and 9) on America's Got Talent. So cute!!!
7 Year Old Girls at the World of Dance competition; dancing to Single Ladies. Yes, this isn't appropriate for their age by any means, but they are SOOOO GOOD! My mind, my friends, is blown.
1. I saw those little tiny hip hoppers on AGT 2. Although it is so not appropriate for those tiny children to be dancing like that, they are friggen amazing! hahaha
I'm Stephanie. I love everyone, and everyday I am amazed by the blessings God has bestowed upon me. I have an amazing family of friends that I share my life experiences with, and I have a crazy culmination of thoughts that clutter my cranium. I have passions and dreams, opinions and questions. I blog to share these things with others, and for my own personal relief at times. My hope is that someone, somewhere, is interested enough to read about it. If not, that's okay too :) I just enjoy the opportunity to set my thoughts free!
1. I saw those little tiny hip hoppers on AGT
2. Although it is so not appropriate for those tiny children to be dancing like that, they are friggen amazing! hahaha
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