I was an early riser this morning due to graduation practice. It wasn't too long, or too boring. However, I took issue with the fact that juniors and random senior were parked in the Top 10 parking spots! Ugh, they are not supposed to be there. Thus, I (along with many others who are actually in the top ten) had to park all the way out in BFE; which, if you don't know, is practically out in Timbuktu. But anyways, I got done with that around 12. From there I went to Target to get some milk for the fam. (We were out this morning; thus meaning I couldn't eat the bowl of cereal I poured for myself... fail.) I ended up also purchasing a one-piece bathing suit for choir tour (much needed) and some sandals that I can wear to graduation so that I don't twist my ankle in my freakishly tall heels. When I got home, I watched Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader before taking a short little nap. I needed that. Less than six hours of sleep just hasn't been cutting it... But yeah, after I woke up and ate myself some dinner, I took my little sister to Sweet frog for some froyo! Yes, I was there yesterday too... Once again I got my blueberry yogurt drenched in almonds and granola with strawberries on top; yum yum yum! When we were all done there, I took her to Food Lion so she could get chips for a class
party tomorrow. Jenn is just as indecisive as I am, and that's all I'm going to say about that, haha. But now, here I am; blogging incredibly early because I am spending the night at Adelaide's house. Sam is too! It's been so long since we've all hung out together. It's just like old times! I actually met Addie through Sam, so she's pretty much the reason we're friends :) It's been FOREVER since I've had a sleepover at Addie's, so I'm pretty stoked :) And then tomorrow I'm meeting my godfather for lunch at 12:30 :) He's coming to my graduation as of today! My friend Chris gave me an extra ticket; which was incredibly sweet of him. I'm surprised he remembered! I had actually forgotten that I'd asked him for one... haha! Silly me, my brain is so strange and scattered :) And I just wanted to tell you all how much I love you. You are the most amazing group of individuals, and you mean everything to me :) Thank you for being the lovely souls that you are. I'm truly blessed:)
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