Break Time: Threw together a Mock-Congress speech while I watched "Are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" and made my rounds on Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, and Yahoo.
Government: Our class started Mock-Congress. This one group is trying to pass a bill to legalize marijuana. Needless to say, they are going to get hammered with questions and criticisms tomorrow morning; and I shall be partaking.
Dinner: I went to Casa Grande with Jennifer and my mom. It was delicious; as always. And no matter how not-hungry I think I am, I always demolish my food. I also get the same thing every time I go; combination number 9 dinner with the taco soft :)
After dinner: I wasted even more time on the internet. However, I took some time for a bit of creativity. I won't go into too much detail, but let me just say that my gold ink was starting to irk me. I mean really, I don't understand why the gold ink and the stylus can't just be friends. Trying to use the two of them together is one of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks... whatevskies :)
10:00 pm: I venture over to Kelly's for some coffee and discussion; we have important matters at hand :) We also had a "Who can crack more bones?" contest and watched some old WEAG dance footage. Oh Nikki Medas, we do love you :) Also, we had fun laughing at each other for saying words that don't exist; which were formulated while we were trying to say two different words at one time, haha. For example, I tried to say"did" and "does" at the same time... and it came out as "dud" haha! Kells and I decided that we're going to have a "pointe play date." Me=stoked. just saying :)
12:20 am: I leave Kelly's house. Haha :) Curfew? Je ne comprende pas :) Kidding! But seriously, it's all good. I managed to get back in the house with only two barks from Nugget. Not that I've ever really been given a time to be home by, but I hate waking my mom up. She did know where I was going though, so if Sprinkle did wake her up, at least she wasn't completely shocked.

:D i love that i did in fact read this now, as you predicted. oh my!
Oh no... which dance footage?? I was a crazy psycho dancer.. Still am probs... Oh dear
nikki, "let's play wii tennis!" haha :) i actually loved that solo; legit :) and yes, you were a little crazy, but in a very good way :)
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