Moving on! Haha :) I got baptized this morning :) I am really glad that I decided to do it :) And I'm also glad that my family was there to witness it; even my dad! I also loved that some of my dearest friends were there. I'm not saying that they were there just to see me get baptized, but it still made me happy nonetheless :) So, after the 9:30 sanctuary and 11:15 gym services, I hit up Stony Point with Heather and Kelly. (And Annemarie made a cameo appearance.) We did quite a bit of browsing in Anthropologie, and I don't know if anyone else could have gotten as much enjoyment out of browsing as we did; for evidence please see Heather's blog :) Then, after dropping of Heavs at church, Kelly and I went by Starbucks to get a venti passion iced tea to split and headed to Deep Run Park to relax in the sun. And we may or may not have been scheming.... but for what I cannot say :)
I love laying in the sun. I love Kelly. I love Starbucks. I love that she always has a blanket in her car. Haha :) However, I (or should I say we) were not okay with the number of flies that kept flying into our hair! Ahh, it was utterly ridiculous! (And it's actually why we left when we did, haha.) Since our park time was cut short, we went back to lurk around the church for a bit, and, when Kelly had to rehearse, I went on a Starbucks date with Nikki :) Now I know what you're thinking. "Stephanie, how many times did you go to Starbucks today?!" The answer: three times. BUT(!!!) I only got two drinks; one of which was split with Kells :) But yeah, now I'm sitting at my dad's house, and I just had this incredible urge to dance on pointe. Random? Yes. But I really just want to have a ballet improv sesh right now! Why? I have no idea! Ugh, I so wish I had a studio at my disposal! Anyways... I think I have homework to do, but I'm not certain. I have a math placement test I need to take for JMU, but I'm not really looking forward to that. I heard it's a lot of trig. I'm in statistics for crying out loud! At this point, sine, cosine, and tangent might as well be gibberish. Oh well! I love you all! And I'm in such a good mood that these annoying tasks aren't even putting a dent in my happy bubble :) LOVE love LOVE love LOVE you MORE!
no. love you more the end. cyber love battle won. oh!
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