Yesterday was also the CFA Visual Art Showcase! I am amazed at some of these kids; no joke. And as for my sister and her friends in Level 2, I cannot believe the stuff that they can do with cardboard. Check it out!
(Click the images to make them bigger!)
Jennifer Dawkins! ("Light of my Life"-Chandelier [chain and all!]! Love my little sister!)
Harry Trinh! (This house blew my mind! He even had lights in it!)
Kimberly Ford!
Cameron Jaster and Do Park (PS3, Television, controllers, and the plugs and chords! Oh yeah, and that's "Space Invaders" that's being played on the TV... So old school!)
Jessica Clark (Sydney Opera House. The pic on the bottom is from looking in one of the little windows!)
Kayle Graham (Craziness!)
End of Cardboard :)

Hannah White
Allie Ayers (Definitely one of my faves!)
Indeed, that was a fun time! But alas, I had to leave around 7 so that I could be home in time to be kidnapped by Elizabeth :) She picked me up (after having to call me for directions, haha) and took me to Whole Foods. There, I was surprised to find Kelly and Heather there to join us for some dinner! Loved that! Then, we went back by Elizabeth's house; with me foolishly believing that it was merely a pit-stop. AS it turns out, I had a surprise party waiting for me! I love my friends so incredibly much! You all make me feel so loved :) I had such a marvelous time hanging out, dancing, singing old Britney Spears and the Millionaires (to name a few), eating cake, and just loving life :) I got some of the most touching, incredible letters/card I think I've ever gotten in my entire life. I cannot begin to express how much those words meant to me. Ahh! I could just burst at the seems. I love you all! And thank you so much for being the amazing friends that you are. You make my life complete in so many ways :) Lord knows I couldn't get through this life without you :)
Haha, and here's a little humor for closing. So, I definitely crashed on Elizabeth's couch at like midnight last night. Yes, people were still there. Yes, I took up half of the sitting room. No, I did not let my mother know that I wasn't coming home. And when Elizabeth and Mrs. Seward tried to get me to move upstairs, I didn't, haha. I got approximately 10 hours of sleep! 10 HOURS! This has been practically unheard of these past few months. I guess all of that partying just wore me out, haha ;) Well my loves, I'm going to end this post. Sorry if it was a tad choppy! I just had to mention a little bit of everything! And in case any of you forgot, I love you!
that cardboard stuff is incredible and i definately know allie ayers from elementary school paha
ahh. i llove ya. the end :)
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