Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Silly musings of Tuesday.

Today was the usual class, lunch, TDU, more class, dinner, and back to the dorm. So really, nothing crazy or eventful took place today. Thus, I have but a few things to say tonight.

1) This is my preliminary class schedule for next semester:

Yes, my Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be unfortunate. No, I did NOT want a Friday class. And yes, I am signed up to take Elementary Portuguese (which could potentially be very scary and I may or may not drop it if I get the chance). I would love to learn the language, I just don't want to be graded on it! Oh, and the Monday/Wednesday/Friday class is Old Testament. A little intimidating, but it would be good for me!

2) Facebook conversations with Steph pretty much make my day :) This girl has me rolling!
Steph squared identity crisis at it's finest ;)

I do love her!

And on that note, I shall bid thee adieu! Goodnight loves :)


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