Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A delayed afterthought.

Last week, after finding out that I am going to be PR head for my sorority next year, I wrote about how I think God gets His chuckles through having the current exec board put me in charge of the committees that scare me the most. But as the days have passed, I came upon a stark realization.

If God didn't use others to challenge me, I might never be challenged.

Rarely do I ever willingly confront a challenge, especially of the spiritual nature. Although I have a constant desire to grow in my faith and understanding, I don't push myself to do things that are beyond my current means. I have heard the cliché so many times, but I never realized that it actually did apply to me: God calls us to venture outside of our comfort zones. I have been living in comfort on my own accord, and it took me this long to realize it. Therefore, I want to express my gratitude to my loves who are currently on exec, and thank them for allowing God to use them as vessels to further my growth as a Christian. I never believed that I would be able to handle leading a Bible study, much less the whole committee, but they challenged me to do so. And I have gained a deeper knowledge of scripture and new sense of confidence because of it. God saw me through it, and here I am unscathed. Rather, I have enjoyed this experience a lot :) He turned my fear into joy! Now, He is presenting me with the challenge of spearheading our recruitment endeavors    striving to find girls who share our passion for Jesus and our love for our sisterhood. Though it is a hefty task, I have reminded myself that 1) He is my strength and guidance, and 2) I am not in this alone. Not only has He blessed me with awesome committee members, but I also have my Father with me every step of the way :) And with Him, I can do all things :)

So here's to abandoning comfort and confronting challenges with confidence, for they too have a purpose in their presence! Goodnight loves :)


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