By now, I'm sure at least a few of you have heard about Joseph Kony and the efforts our generation is putting forth to end his heinous crimes against our brothers and sisters in Africa. For those who may not know, please take the next 30 minutes to watch this: (I promise, you won't regret it.)
This man is forcing children into soldiery, girls into sex trafficking, and nations into a life of fear. I stand firm on my opinion that
everyone who learns who this man is can agree that he needs to be arrested; he needs to be stopped. But like it says in this video, you cannot fight to stop what you do not know exists. Many know the term "invisible children," but few know the name of the man behind it. Well friends, take note: His name is Joseph Kony.

Share this knowledge. Share the name. Join the cause. Help 2012 be the year that Joseph Kony is arrested and convicted. Regardless of background, political stance, etc., this is something we can agree upon
something we can unite over. Help bring justice into the world. Let Kony's infamy spread like wildfire; let that contribute to his demise.
Pray over these efforts, both your own and that of your brothers and sisters around the world. Of this I am certain: The Lord's strength, power, and provision will be necessary in our mission. Let us seek such things from Him in our pursuit of, and may these efforts be blessed according to His will.
"Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed."
{Isaiah 1:17}
"This is what the LORD says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place."
{Jeremiah 22:3}
"Open your mouth, judge righteously,
And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy."
{Proverbs 31:9}
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